Saturday, June 27, 2009


Well here I am on a Saturday with 18 to 20 somethings in my living room listening to music and playing cards. So I think I have a long night ahead. It is my daughter's friend's and her cousin's. To me this was a long and sad week The death's of Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett was very sad. Michael was a very talented singer and Farrah a great actress. I feel both to young to die. I am still reading Death by Cashmere and working on my sock . I have not spent time knitting since Wednesday but I plan to pick up my knitting tomorrow and shape the toe on my sock. I am trying very hard not to start any new projects before I finish the socks but it is very hard. I have the yarn and the circular needles for the baby afghan in the Leisure Arts pattern book The Shop on Blossom Street from the Debbie Macomber book. I want to cast on the baby block afghan. Since I spent some time last Sunday crocheting I want to finish an afghan I started I think in 2006 also. I really need to be strong. No new projects until my socks are done. Happy crafting.

1 comment:

Ria said...

I always say I'm glad my daughter's friends like to hang out here - cause I always know what's going on and if she gets new friends etc.

you are way stronger than me. that's why I have one sock waiting for a mate, and one cuff of another pattern, and I'm working on a ghan.