Well yes I finished the afhgan and I was so happy and proud of my work. I will post a picture but after I finished weaving in all the ends and clipping a long end in the center the afghan pulled apart in the middle. I tried to repair the center and I feel that it will be good enough for home use but not to give to someone. I dont think I can rip it out and start over because it is two colors and not one so that just will not work. My daughter still wants to take it to the woman at her job, I told her she could if she wanted to but not to sale it to her just give it to her and tell her what happened. I wonder if fabric glue will help? I told her to tell the lady to put fabric glue on the middle of the afghan. So I hope this works and she can use the afghan. I plan to make another one as soon as I have finished my exchange items I start another. Maybe I will have better luck .
Well another Monday is looming. I just don't know what I am going to do but get up in the morning and meet the challenge. When I get this week over I will have a nice long weekend because I have to help my daughter move back to school, I took Monday just because and Tuesday is move in day. Yesterday while out shopping I brought a new magazine about crochet, its Crochet today I really like the magazine and I want to do several of the afghans and a hat. Crochet today is a great magazine for beginners. So its just right for me. Also I brought Stitch' N bitch crochet the Happy Hooker its seems great too, I looked through the book quickly and plan to look through it tonight. I have not crocheted at all today so I guess that means I will have to work very hard tomorrow night I am running out of time. My daughters last day of work is on Friday. As of yesterday in case I didn't bring it up I am now the proud grandparent of to hermit crabs Buttercup and Smiley, they are named for the shells when she brought them they had painted shells, I hope that is not bad for them. Buttercup and Smiley will go to school with her this year. Well I am off to spend time reading Stitch' N bitch crochet.