Oh happy day !! its Friday and I am so happy. It has been a long week. It started with snow and will end with 75 degree temperature's!. I went yesterday to see my daughter cheer her last home game. It was a late night. Wednesday I knit a few rows on the beginner's basic II ribbed-for-her-pleasure scarf only a few more rows to go before bind off. I am trying not to cast on another scarf. I plan to print a shamrock dishcloth for St. Patrick's day and a scarf for national crochet month. This just a quick post to check in at the end of the week. Craft on!
Well after ripping this pattern out over and over again last year I have finally knit this dishcloth. I started it last year June 27, 2008 and to repeat myself I had to rip it out more than I want to remember. So tired of it and frustrated I put down the pattern and did not pick it back up until last weekend. I am not sure what it was about the pattern that kept me from completing this dish cloth. The dish cloth in question is 10. Shapely Diamond from #3824 Leisure Arts Kitchen Bright Dishcloths 10 Knit Designs, Hot Blue Lily The Original' n Cream cotton yarn. I am not sure which dish cloth to try next but with all the cotton yarn in the stash no need to buy any more cotton yarn for a long time. Craft on!
In like a lion. Well March arrived with a bang with rain, sleet, and snow. This time you could not see the grass by the time it was all said and done. I did not make it to work today until around 11:00 am. It was very pretty I love snow but since my office does not close for snow it makes things so complicated. So got up got dressed emailed and called into work. Then watched the Morning Show, did breakfast and cleaned off the car as much a possible. I hope I can make it to work tomorrow due to the wet roads and melting snow I might have to deal with black ice. This is North Carolina snow today and by the end of the week they say we will hit the 70's. Snow a rare thing and this time it covered up the grass. I am ready for spring. My rosemary bush is laying over on the ground full of snow I hope it will straighten up. One day down 4 to go until the weekend. Still going strong with the shapely diamond dishcloth. I will add a few rows tonight. Craft on!!
Well so far so good on the dishcloth I started last night. I made it through row 21 without any trouble. Still have the right number of stitches and the diamond pattern seems to be taking shape. The blue is really nice and bright a happy color. It is cold and it is still raining earlier today we did have some ice on the trees but that has gone away. Still no snow. I am happy about this and I hope nothing happens later tonight or in the early morning. Weather I want to or not I need to be able to get to work. Made my way out in the cold and rain to go to Walmart and Books.A.Million the book I ordered came in on Wednesday, Fleece Navidad, by Maggie Sefton it is a knitting mystery. Well I think I will add a few rows to my dishcloth while listening to Harry Potter And The Prisoner of Azkaban performance by Jim Dale. Still need to buy the other cd's in the series. Oh well craft on!. Update It is snowing and it has been for a few hours now. I don't think I will make it to work by 8:00 AM , and now I am sure even if I make it tomorrow I will spend the day doing interviews and not process cases and that's what I need to do. Row 41 on the Shapely Diamond dishcloth. What a day what a day.