Today is National Alpaca Day. In honor of the day me, my niece , and my mother went to Char-Mar Alpaca Farm in Liberty to see the alpaca. They are beautiful animals and I think very sweet and funny. Everybody was very sweet and friendly. We had a great time and I took a picture of my niece with a long horn steer and an alpaca. It has been a long time between posts. I have been reading. Knitting but not everyday. I am lazy and after I get off work sometimes it is hard to get motivated to do anything besides sit on the couch and drink wine and watch tv. I have 3 different books I am working on How To Knit The Heart Back Home, by Rachael Herron, Unraveled, by Maggie Sefton, and The Wedding Shawl, by Sally Goldenbaum. I need to start back with my dishcloth knitting but I have not knit a dishcloth all month. I did start a bias scarf but not finished yet.