Thursday, December 29, 2005


Well I have said it once and I will say it again. I am not the brightess bulb on the tree, but in my daily am to pm dealing's I have discovered that a multitude of people who's bulb is a lot dimmer than mine. In 2006 I hope to receive a mircale truly need one. The roof leak's, it would be nice to to fix the woodburner unit and convert to gas if possible and the floor needs a big fix. I keep promising picture's of the project's I have completed but so far no delivery. I dont have to work tomorrow!!!!!! Thank you Lord. NC finally has the lottery!!!! tickets go on sale in
April if all goes well and I hope they do, I know people will no believe me but I would be satisfied if I won enough to payoff my house and car even if I had to continue to work, what a tremedus load off a person day to day living a gift like that would be. Practice makes perfect so until I get the yarn for my " At Home Poncho I will continue to parcitice with my cheat pactical yarn. It is less tha 50 hours until the New Year, which I am ending the same way I began broke busted and disgusted. May the new year bring great changes. Anyone with any idea's on what I can do to make these changes please let me know, please keep these options to a level that does not sink to name calling and shit talking. Well this is it for tonight maybe some day soon you will hear more about crochet.

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