Friday, March 02, 2012

Happy weekend!

Oh my I am so glad it is Friday! Happy for the weekend. I have just finished 2 Hot Hats since I came home from work. In honor of National Crochet Month my goal is to crochet as much as I possibly can. So I started off with Hot Hats and plan to crochet a few potholders. The Hot Hat are so easy and quick. We are in for a chilly and rainy weekend. If is was up to me I would not go out of the house. Tomorrow I will go out because I my friend as a going away birthday party for her son. He leaves on Monday for basic training he joined the Army. I am looking forward to the party but I hate getting out in the rain. After the party I will need to make a trip to the grocery store. I want to recreate the Zuppa Tuscan soup at Olive Garden I have a recipe from a friend at work, I am not sure if I will use that recipe or one from Youtube. I will update you on Sunday night about the soup. Still reading A Meeting in the Ladies' Room, by Anita Doreen Diggs it is a great read. Happy National Crochet Month.

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