Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve

Another New Years Eve, only a few hours left and 2011 will come to an end. This will also end my worst blogging year since I started my blog December 19, 2005. It just seems to me that every year I have done less and have less to say. I did not make any progress in advancing my knitting or crochet skills, I don't think I did any crochet at all this year, I did not finish the sock's I started in 2009. I did knit 35 dishcloths, 5 baby washcloths, and half a scarf. I read 12 books and if you can count listening to books on cd 17. My finances and the roof are still in the same shape bad and no money to fix them, I am still praying for something great to happen. I did lose a few pounds so that is good. Just like last year I have the Champagne in the refrigerator. Well maybe things will change next year. Happy New Year.


Sharon Marie said...

Hope you have a better year in 2012. I've enjoyed your blog since you were with Yahoo 360. I also think your daughter's little fur baby is cute, cute, cute! Take care...

Ria said...

Happy New Year!!

This past year was my lowest blogging since I started too!

Here's to 2012!!