Hot Blue
Well after ripping this pattern out over and over again last year I have finally knit this dishcloth. I started it last year June 27, 2008 and to repeat myself I had to rip it out more than I want to remember. So tired of it and frustrated I put down the pattern and did not pick it back up until last weekend. I am not sure what it was about the pattern that kept me from completing this dish cloth. The dish cloth in question is 10. Shapely Diamond from #3824 Leisure Arts Kitchen Bright Dishcloths 10 Knit Designs, Hot Blue Lily The Original' n Cream cotton yarn. I am not sure which dish cloth to try next but with all the cotton yarn in the stash no need to buy any more cotton yarn for a long time. Craft on!
After all your ended up with a beautiful cloth! Don't you love dish cloths, I do! I enjoyed the pics of your snow in North Carolina, we had about 6" at my house...Loved It.
Nicely knit cloth. Won't be long before your backyard is green again. It's 45 degrees today in northern PA!
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