Still Reading
Well this weekend instead of knitting or crocheting I spent most of the day Saturday and all day Sunday reading the 2nd book in the Twilight series reading. I must say they are very good reads to me even if they are considered young adult read. In order to read the 2nd book in the series I had to buy the book I had it on hold at the library it is still on hold. I guess it would help if I told you the name of the book it is New Moon, by Stephenie Meyer. I finished the book late Sunday night or maybe Monday morning. I went to Books-a-Million on Monday and the 3rd book in the series is still in hard back. I feel that some book fairy must be looking out for me because after I sat in Books-a-Million and read almost 2 chapters I came home to check my status online at the library to see how much longer I would have to wait for the 3rd book and guess what it was waiting for pickup so I jumped up grabbed my pocket book and keys and off I went to the library. I had to make myself put the book down at 1:00 am this morning. Maybe this weekend I will cast on again. I will have a long wait for the 4th and I think final book in the series. Read, knit, crochet on.
I love reading also. We went to Books A Million today and I thought about you when I saw this series. I have many books waiting to be read now so I cannot justify buying this series (yet... hehehe) to my husband. But later, I WILL. :)
Our cats are lap kittens also. We have two inside cats. Cookie and Chochi and now two little kittens but I must give them away. They are so precious it is hard to give them away but I have several outside cats too.
Have a great rest of the week!
I read Good Omens and Odd Hours during the Holiday weekend. I worked a little on my mobius shawl but that is it
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