Monday, July 11, 2011

Back To Work Today

Well I did not sleep very well last night thinking about the fact that I had to go back to work after a nice long week off. I enjoyed my week of sleeping and watching old movies on tv. I really need to start buying lottery tickets and pray for a little luck. Maybe I could win and be able to spend all my time reading, watching tv, knitting and crocheting. So when I got to work today I had a nice surprise my desk had been moved. This is due to the work being due on the heating and air conditioning system. I am happy about the change I feel better now that I am facing the door instead of having my back to the door. I have a lot of work to do to get caught up. So I will have to push myself this week. That is the trouble with taking time off the work you have to do when you get back. The tomato's in the garden are doing well, but this year I am not to sure about the Sweet One Hundred I have on the deck. It has grown a lot but leaves have stated to turn yellow and die still have tomato's coming and the vines are going a lot so I don't know what's going on. I still have 4 more Sweet One Hundreds so hopefully I will have cherry tomato's. Picture of our Whooper Tomato's. Still knitting dishcloth's and reading A Stitch Before Dying, by Anne Canadeo. A great easy read. It takes longer to read when you have to make room for work, knitting, blogging, cleaning, crochetville, and ravelry.

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