Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Hallelujah, Hallelujah is the highest praise!. Over 200 years on slavery, 200 years of Jim Crow and a black (African American) is the President elect of the United States Of America. Glory, Glory, Hallelujah is the highest praise. Words cannot express how I feel about this moment in history. I have heard people say I can't vote for him because of his name, or because he is a Muslim and all these things have been overcome. I am 44 years old and I did not think I would live to see the day a black man aka African American could become the next president of the united states of America. So this is from slavery to the white house. I have soon much hope for the future.


Michelle said...

It is a moment in history for sure.

I am very excited anh hopeful for the future!


Anonymous said...

I agree--I think the best man won and I feel a new pride to be an American. God bless him and his family as they become our new first family!

Sheila said...

Everytime someone say Barack Obama or first black president, see a replay of the victorious moment, I am overcome with such pride and blessed to be a part of this historical pinnacle.

Michelle said...

Just stopping in to say Have a Happy Sunday! :)
Big Hug,

Michelle said...

P.S. Our city FINALLY voted wet too. HURRAY for not having to go a long distance to stock up on wine in the near future!
